
Holistic Coaching

Listening to Your Body

How many times a day do we just forget to breathe? Or refrain from going to the bathroom to push through what we are doing? Our nervous system is ancient and built for survival, not to cope with the challenges of modern life. Tuning into your body and practicing embodiment can significantly reduce stress on your nervous system and enhance your overall well-being. Understanding its functions and finding ways to manage our responses are key to maintaining a healthy balance in today’s world.

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The Beauty in us through others' eyes

Unlocking Beauty Within;

This lesson seems to continue to present itself lately. Self-perception and perceiving oneself as less than one truly is. This phenomenon is prevalent in today’s culture, often driven by societal pressures and unrealistic standards.

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Symbolism and Meaning of om aum

OM – The Sacred Universal Vibration – 432 hz – Sound Healing Meditation

The sound of a group chanting Aum – Om together is truly grounding and does not need to be in harmony it organically creates resonance. This practice is used to open and close meditations and yoga classes to bring presence and union. Om-Aum is the original mantra used to create space and connection. There is no wrong way to chant this sacred syllable. When we chant we move energy from our abdomen up to the brain.

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