Ways to release stored emotion in our Hips, Pelvis & Sacral Spine.

Yoga, vibration, breath, mindfulness and more!

Reading Time: 8 minutes


Table of Contents

What our bodies are trying to tell us?

Anatomy of why our hips can hold emotion.

The hips are comprised of two main bones our femur and pelvis which are connected to our sacrum at the base of our spine. Where our sacral chakra is known to reside and for being the storehouse of our emotions. This area has a direct link between our emotions and thoughts and our ability to move them. ¹ We either store energies in our bodies or move and release them. A common occurrence for people is when we receive a  shock or stress, our autonomic/sympathetic nervous system is activated and we experience flight fright, these types of experiences tend to store residual energies in our bodies. ²

Emotions related to the hips:

The hips and sacral chakra are known to hold our deepest vulnerabilities surrounding stability, finances, fear, anger, sexuality and relationships. The life blocks related to doubt and indecision. Often presenting in anxiety, detachment, low libido, isolation and loneliness, and lack of creative inspiration.

Release with Meditation, Empowering Questions & Affirmations

We can use affirmations and empowering questions as a tool in meditation or to check-in and find presence. Being disconnected or disembodied in modern society is quite normal. Taking a moment to tune into what our body is saying and acting as an investigator and observer can provide many clues and cues. An interesting concept is the mental timeline, past events are linked with left or backspace, and future events with right or front space. ³ 

Some questions you can ask surrounding hip pain, tight hips, sacrum, psoas, hip flexors and sacral chakra:

  • In what way may I be worried about the future?
  • Am I putting too much pressure or expectation on myself?
  • What emotional or physical trauma may I still be storing?
  • Are there past events or people I may be holding onto?
  • What am I holding onto that needs to be released?
  • Are there any relationships in my life that are not serving me?
  • Am I able to freely express myself in my relationships?
  • Is my relationship with my parents supportive?
  • As a child what ways did I not feel supported?

Empowering Questions we can ask:

  • Can I listen to what my body is telling me?
  • If I feel into my hips and ask, what do I need to let go?
  • What small things can I do to release tension in my hips?
  • If my nervous system is activated, how can I recognize my triggers?
  • Can I be more aware of when I’m holding emotion vs releasing it?

Affirmations we can say:

  • I am supported and have trust in myself to face anything.
  • I am loved and love myself to my root and core.
  • Hip Hip Hooray – there is joy in every day. I am balanced and free. 4
  • I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age. 4

"You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. We always have the power of our minds… Claim and consciously use your power."

Release with Music & Frequency 417 hz:

417(Hz) hertz relates to the sacrum-sacral chakra. This is the tone of the synodic moon (lunar month, which is different from the earth’s month) and the note “Re” tone of D. The D tone adjusts cells and cellular functions to work optimally. A Solfeggio frequency for carry’s the energy of change used for undoing and facilitating change. Alleviating the conscious and subconscious mind from trauma, clearing negative experiences and events and facilitating moving forward. 417 Hz taps into our source energy, giving us powerful energy to dissolve accumulated fear, doubt, frustration and unfulfilled hopes and desires that can become blocks. These blocks can make us lose inspiration and leave life feeling bland. To see the beneficial effects of music, sound and frequency see the resources. 5

Other frequencies that are beneficial for this area: 

  • 303 – Balancing and Clearing.
  • 606 – Clears Destructive Influences of Past Events
  • 1212 Hz – Emotional and Psychical Relief.
  • 432 Hz – Grounding and Support.

Releasing with Movement - Top Modalities

  • Yoga & Hip openers – Below
  • Pilates
  • Dance – Like nia, ecstatic, flo & energy
  • QiGong
  • Tai Chi

Ways to release with yoga:

Yoga hip openers are a helpful way to release this stored emotion. Helping release deep-seated emotions related to our stored trauma, tension and stress. There’s a difference between pain and discomfort. Learning to sit with the discomfort of these poses and breathing into them helps build resilience. But there should be no physical pain or strain in the movements, our bodies are all different and many adjustments can be made for all movements. Some of my favourites are:

  • Yoga Squat | Malasana | Garland Pose
  • Dancer’s Pose | Natarajasana or without extension holding ankle and gently bringing to glutes 
  • Low Lunge |  Crescent Lunge | Anjaneyasana
  • Lizard | Dragon | Utthan Pristhasana
  • Pigeon Pose | Kapotasana
  • Half Pigeon Pose | Ardha Kapotasana 
  • Camel Pose | Ustrasana 
  • Bound Angle Pose | Butterfly Pose | Baddha Konasana
  • Frog | Bhekasana
  • Bridge | Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  • Happy Baby | Ananda Balasana

Below I’ve listed added a few videos by @YogaWithLena & @alomoves on Youtube to demonstrate. Remembering there are always adjustments and variations on poses.

Yoga Squat | Malasana | Garland Pose

Crescent Lunge | Anjaneyasana

Pigeon Pose | Kapotasana

Ways to release with Breath:

Breathing into hips – part visualization:
You can “breathe” into the hips by visualizing and experiencing a muscular expansion around your hips in time with your inhale. On the exhaled breath, soften the muscles surrounding the hip joint.

Try on the back on a firm surface using:

  • Deep diaphragm,
  • Box Breathing
  •  4,7, 8 breathing
  • Stomach, thoracic, diaphragm Vacuum – Demonstration

In conclusion: In conclusion; there are many tools and techniques available out there. If something does not feel right for your body, be gentle on yourself and try another. We are more likely to keep up with a practice and build a habit if it fits into or lives comfortably. 

  1.  NES Research Director, Peter Fraser – Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life 
  2. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. 
  3.  Mast FW, Preuss N, Hartmann M, Grabherr L. Spatial cognition, body representation and affective processes: the role of vestibular information beyond ocular reflexes and control of posture. Front Integr Neurosci. 2014 May 27;8:44. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2014.00044. PMID: 24904327; PMCID: PMC4035009. & https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-we-make-sense-of-time/
  4. https://trividafunctionalmedicine.com/the-healing-power-of-sound-the-solfeggio-frequencies/
  5. Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay 
OTHER Resources:

The tools or information on this site does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the this Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call a professional.

I believe in honesty and integrity, therefore, any content, advertising space, or posts will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are purely, and entirely, my own. I do not claim to be, nor make an effort to be, an expert on a certain topic, product, or service.  I will only endorse companies, products, and services I believe are worthy of endorsement, and serve to enhance the experience for my readers.  All product or service claims should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

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